- Avoid storage of identifiable and potentially confidential/sensitive data on mobile devices or unsanctioned cloud storage providers. See UM Data Classification policy for definitions of non-public data.
- For research studies, please follow the data management section of the study protocol once data collection is complete and/or prior to analysis.
- Especially relevant are requirements for retaining only de-identified data if specified, including removing identifiers as soon as feasible. Particularly sensitive identifiers include SSN, MRN, and health insurance policy numbers as well as email addresses and telephone numbers.
- Securely store data sets and restricting access to appropriate members of the research team, for e.g. one group may have access to a UM provided/controlled secure location where identifiable data is retained and another group can have access to the de-identified or coded data set.
- For portable devices such as laptops – either university supplied laptops or laptops that have University IT approved full disk encryption software installed should be used. Encryption can also be enabled for on-premises workstations. Consult the applicable IT group.
- A current anti-malware application (e.g. Carbon Black, Crowdstrike) as stipulated by University/UHealth IT, should be installed and updated regularly on all University workstations.
- Protected Health Information (PHI) should NOT be stored on mobile phones or tablets. Consult the appropriate IT group for current best practices and solutions for mobile devices, including approved apps e.g. EPIC Haiku and Canto.
- For mobile storage (USB Flash, hard drives) – avoid storing identifiable or confidential/sensitive data. If you absolutely must, then such devices MUST be encrypted. IT (at Medical 305-243-5999, https://miamiedu.sharepoint.com/sites/umedinsider-uhealth-it , help@med,miami.edu ; at Gables/RSMAS, 284-6565, help@miami.edu, https://www.it.miami.edu/ ) can provide assistance on encryption services for laptops, selection of appropriate mobile devices, secure remote access and other specific, current, secure practices.
- Physical controls (locked, file cabinet, card key restricted office area etc.) should be used for paper/printouts with identifiable or sensitive information.
- Paper/printouts with identifiable or sensitive information that need to be disposed of, should be shredded or placed in the approved University provided Shred-It bins (current vendor) for such information – NOT in the regular trash.
- Avoid use of sensitive or identifiable paper documents at home, including printing of such documents.
- If you have an unavoidable and approved use case i.e. explicit approval from your business unit leadership, then a plan/practice for proper disposal of such information is critical. Best practice is use of a Micro-cut shredder which is the preferred solution. At the very minimum, destroy all areas with identifiable information such as name, address, telephone number, email address, MRN, institution/department/business unit or other identifiable information. Again, AVOID use unless absolutely needed. NEVER dispose of University documents with identifiable or confidential/sensitive information in the regular trash.