Research Leadership
The Office of the Vice Provost for Research and Scholarship oversee and support all aspects of research and is organized into five administrative sections: Office of Research Administration (ORA), Research Regulation, Integrity, Security and Evaluation (2RISE), Division of Veterinary Resources (DVR), Workforce Development & USTAAR and Finance & Administration (F&A).
Workforce Development and USTAAR
Workforce Development and USTAAR is a University of Miami initiative supported by the Alvarez Fund and led by Dr. Suhrud Rajguru, fostering a multidisciplinary student accelerator program within the Office of the Vice Provost for Research and Scholarship.
Research Administration
Research Administration teams are responsible for grant and gift applications and management, the negotiation of contracts, and financial oversight of sponsored projects. These teams help researchers and scholars Submit Proposals and Conduct Research.
Research Regulation, Integrity, Security & Evaluation (2RISE)
Research Regulation, Integrity, Security & Evaluation (2RISE) Several offices under the Vice Provost for Research and Scholarship are dedicated to ensuring the integrity, safety and compliance of the sponsored programs we undertake. These professionals have a deep knowledge of regulatory requirements and know how to ensure that the end product of your work meets the highest ethical standards.
Finance & Administration
The Finance & Administration team provides support on research administration systems, research reporting, education and research development. The units include Research Intellegency and Capacity, Research Strategic Operations, Research Education, Research Development, Finance and Business Operations.