Division of Veterinary Resources (DVR)

The Division of Veterinary Resources (DVR) is the unit responsible for the oversight and implementation of the animal care and use program. The DVR mission is to advance knowledge and improve the health and well being of humans and animals through excellent service and support, research and teaching.

AALAC International Core Facilities and Shared Resources FDA GLP Regulations Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee (IACUC) Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare (OLAW) U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)


Combining the functions of a traditional Privacy Office and Data Broker Services, Research Privacy’s mission is threefold: 1) to act as one of the institution’s gatekeepers of clinical data; 2) to oversee the proper use, disclosure, storage and access to clinical data for research and healthcare operations; and 3) to protect the privacy of UM’s research participants.

Data Broker Services

Research Administration

Research Administration includes professionals with vast combined experience in submitting successful award applications. This unit includes specialists grouped by academic discipline and expertise.
All About Workday Grants Tool Box Pre-Award Post-Award Research Accounting & Cost Analysis Who is my RA Contact Person?

Research, Regulation, Integrity, Security and Evaluation

Several offices under the Vice Provost for Research and Scholarship are dedicated to ensuring the integrity, safety and compliance of the sponsored programs we undertake. These professionals have a deep knowledge of regulatory requirements and know how to ensure that the end product of your work meets the utmost standards.
Clinical Trial Disclosure (CTD) Conflict of Interest (COI) Embryonic Stem Cell Research Oversight Committee (ESCRO) Export Control Compliance (ECC) Human Subjects Research Office (HSRO) Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUCU)

Research Development & Education

Dedicated to connecting investigators with each other, funding opportunities, collaborators, grant-writing experts and navigating the research environment. Oversee's the application and selection process for internal awards. Responsible for OVPRS education, training and communications.
Research Compass Research Navigator Arts & Humanities Fellowships Education & Training Provost's Research Awards Relief Funding Research Lifecycle U-Link

Research Operations & Infrastructure

Research Operations and Infrastructure provides support to the University research community on clinical trial research, research administration systems support and research reporting. The units include: Research Intellegency and Capacity, Clinical Research Management and Support and Research Compliance and Quality Assurance.
Clinical Research Management & Support Office (CRMSO) Research Intelligence & Capacity Research Quality Assurance (RQA)