Research Intelligence & Capacity

research intelligence and capacity research intelligence and capacity

This specialized team supports the University of Miami community by providing systems, facilities and resources to facilitate the conduct and administration of research, including:

  • Providing process improvement assistance for research administration and related areas
  • Configuring research application infrastructure to support administrative operations
  • Capturing process and information requirements from end-users and stakeholders
  • Developing training materials and end-user training on deployed functionality
  • Offering end-user support as needed
  • Tracking outcomes to improvement efforts
  • Maintaining quality assurance and data integrity

The Research IT unit is responsible for:

  • Strategic planning, involving technology to achieve research enterprise goals
  • Process/Systems Analysis, Requirements Gathering, and Technology Evaluation
  • Information management including optimization of the acquisition, storage, retrieval, and use of information
  • Research and Clinical Informatics
  • Software Development, Maintenance, Configuration, Documentation, QA, and Testing
  • Research system-to-system interfacing, integration, and workflows
  • End-user support

For Research IT help: The help desk is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Featured Links

The IBISResearch system may be used to submit and track the following items to Research Administration:

  • Proposal or Grant Application
  • Contract
  • Sponsored Agreement
  • Award Modification Request (Rebudget, No Cost Extension, PI Change, etc)
Click on the link to access the IBISResearch webpage.
The expansion of IBISResearch includes a new UDisclose system, which is live as of January, 2022.  The UDisclose system is also known as the IBISResearch - COI system. 

The expansion of IBISResearch includes an IRB system, which is live as of Monday, August 29, 2022.  

The Velos eResarch Clinical Trials Management Software provides clinical researchers and study staff with user-friendly technology infrastructure for managing studies, tracking subjects, and facilitating analysis, while maintaining the privacy and safety of participants.

The Employee Compensation Compliance (ECC) system is designed to help comply with the provisions of the University of Miami's Effort Reporting policy, federal policy and other relevant agency policies that govern charging an individual's effort to sponsored projects.  
Research Electronic Data Capture (REDCap) is an application that allows users to build and manage online surveys and databases quickly and securely.

The ComplionTM system is the University of Miami’s 21-CFR-11 compliant electronic regulatory binder system. 
The StafaCT System is used to manage the processing and storage of blood, cellular therapy , tissue and organ products and is governed by the International Society of Blood Transfusion (ISTB) and follows the ISBT 128 Standard.
